Soft power in the palestinian – israeli conflict



This article examines the main categories applicable to the Palestinian-Israeli conflict since the end of the Second World War in 1945 from the vantage point of theories concerning the creation and extinction of States. With the consolidation of Israeli occupying forces as a result of the successive wars with Arab States in the region, the notion of soft power and the role it plays in this historical context is analyzed in the light of international regulation, especially by the United States of America. The discussion focuses on the policies enacted by the Clinton and Bush administrations towards this region of the world, with special emphasis on the policy implemented by the Obama and Trump governments in the face of the peace negotiations, while assessing the positions and roles played by neighboring countries with regard to the Palestine-Israel conflict. It concludes with an appreciation of the current situation facing these territories today.

Author Biography

Mónica María Hernández Rodríguez

Abogada de la Universidad Católica de Colombia; Becaria del Programa de Formación Investigativa de la Universidad Católica de Colombia.



How to Cite

Hernández Rodríguez, M. M. (2024). Soft power in the palestinian – israeli conflict. NUEVOS PARADIGMAS DE LAS CIENCIAS SOCIALES LATINOAMERICANAS, 145–176. Retrieved from