Security approaches: dissertation on citizen, public and human security



This article aims to make a dissertation on security, security approaches and the relationship of these approaches and conceptions with different ways of doing politics and understanding the problems of the social order. It starts from an exploratory analysis of security and its importance for human beings, to an analysis of security approaches: public, citizen and human. This is an essay that seeks to put into conversation ideas about security, the aporias of the present and the problems of citizens in Latin America (the most violent region and with the greatest perception of insecurity in the world). In the end, the need to build a security concept for this region is put on the table, which considers all its problems, but also its virtues.

Author Biography

Luis Felipe Dávila

Abogado, Magíster en Gobierno, Doctor en Humanidades. Investigador del Grupo Conflicto y Criminalidad, Universidad Católica de Colombia.



How to Cite

Dávila, L. F. (2024). Security approaches: dissertation on citizen, public and human security. NUEVOS PARADIGMAS DE LAS CIENCIAS SOCIALES LATINOAMERICANAS, 113–144. Retrieved from