Legal training and its impact on legal practices



This work queries the problematic relationship between legal education and the practice of law. Both components are defining attributes of legal agents and the legal profession itself. Rather than assessing the influence of education on the practice of law, which is more or less evident, the question is which specific aspects of legal education have the greatest weight on legal praxis, and how do they express themselves. Specifically, this enquiry selects a set of variables identified as the conduits that leverage the actual influence of education on how law is practiced. These variables or guiding threads will be analyzed and their leverage

Author Biography

Germán Silva García

Doctor en Sociología de la Universidad de Barcelona, Máster en Sistema Penal y Problemas Sociales de esa misma casa de estudios. Abogado de la Universidad Externado de Colombia, de donde también es Especialista en Ciencias Penales. Decano de la Facultad de Derecho de la Universidad Católica de Colombia. Este trabajo hace parte de las labores del Grupo de Investigación Conflicto y Criminalidad de la Universidad Católica de Colombia.



How to Cite

Silva García, G. (2024). Legal training and its impact on legal practices. NUEVOS PARADIGMAS DE LAS CIENCIAS SOCIALES LATINOAMERICANAS, 75–112. Retrieved from